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Click here for the PDF form of the flyer you see to the left.

For podcasts and speaking engagements of any kind, please download this PDF. It contains the main talking points and main questions to ask about The 5 Steps to Get Your Songs Heard. These talking points are always adjustable, depending on your needs.

Use the following documents to develop questions for your interview or podcast. These have excellent questions and answers from which to create a list of topics for your listener.

For more in-depth question ideas and answers, see Example Interview with Stephen Robert Cass, and Creative Interview Questions for Stephen Robert Cass for more open-ended and direct personal reflection questions that help reveal the mind of the writer and expose more background information about his books. 

You will create a thorough investigative plan, and hopefully these will inspire your own questions.

Podcast and Interview Topics for Stephen Robert Cass

Example Interview with Stephen Robert Cass

Creative Interview Questions for Stephen Robert Cass